Installing Cantera on Ubuntu with Intel Compilers UPDATED!

Published Fri 01 January 2016 in personal

by Bryan Weber

Well, it is now 2 years since I wrote my original post on how to install Cantera with the Intel compilers, and things have changed. For one, Ubuntu has been upgraded (and will be upgraded again this summer); for another, there is a new version of Cantera to work with. Actually, there are two new versions, if you count the master branch stored at GitHub.

This post is intended to be an update on how I install Cantera on Ubuntu using the Intel compilers. Due to some handy features in the current developer’s version, I’m going to describe instructions for the master branch. If you want the stable version, go back to the old post and use the instructions there. On with the building!

One of the major changes in the current master branch is that SUNDIALS is included in the repository, and there is no need to build and install it separately. Another big change is that Boost can be found automatically if it is in a standard directory. Finally, the code has moved from Google Code (which shut down) over to GitHub. With these big changes in mind, this is how I build and install Cantera with Intel these days.

First, I prefer to use the Anaconda Python distribution nowadays. This makes controlling environments for testing and such much easier. I also prefer to use Python 3 as much as possible, but unfortunately, SCons is still Python 2 only. First, install the pre-reqs into the root environment, then create the builder environment

conda install numpy cython
conda create -n py2k python=2 scons cython numpy
source activate py2k
pip install 3to2

With that done, clone the Git repository from GitHub

git clone

Now change into that directory and create your cantera.conf file:

CXX = 'icpc'
CC = 'icc'
prefix = '/home/username/.local'
python_package = 'new'
python_prefix = 'USER'
python3_cmd = '/path/to/anaconda3/bin/python'
python3_prefix = 'USER'
f90_interface = 'y'
FORTRAN = 'ifort'
system_sundials = 'n'
blas_lapack_libs = 'mkl_rt,mkl_intel_lp64,mkl_core,mkl_intel_thread,iomp5'
blas_lapack_dir = '/opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/lib/intel64/'
env_vars = 'all'
cc_flags = ''
optimize_flags = '-O3 -Wall -xHost -fp-model precise'
debug = False

Then it’s as simple as

scons build -j4
scons install

This will put Cantera into your ~/.local directory, including the Python 2 and 3 interface and the Fortran interface.