Installing Cantera on Ubuntu 12.04.3 from scratch/source with Intel compilers

Published Wed 08 January 2014 in writing

by Bryan Weber

Table of Contents

Install Intel Compilers
Install Dependencies
Install NumPy/SciPy
Install Boost
Install Sundials
Install Cantera

UPDATE 01-01-2016

I have posted new instructions for how to build the developer’s version of Cantera in a new post: Installing Cantera on Ubuntu with Intel Compilers UPDATED!


My lab typically uses the CHEMKIN-Pro software from Reaction Design to perform simulations of our experiments. Unfortunately, CHEMKIN-Pro is closed source and does not include a number of features I have found useful for my research. Thus, my labmate and I have recently endeavored to install a separate software package on our Ubuntu 12.04.3 server to perform these simulations.

This software is called Cantera, and is an open-source, C++-based “suite of object-oriented software tools” designed to perform chemical and thermodynamic simulations. Although it was once rather difficult to install, recent upgrades have improved the install and usage procedure drastically. Cantera can be used from one of several interfaces - C++, Fortran, MATLAB, or Python. Essentially, each of the interfaces allows the user to easily access the functions and methods at the heart of Cantera and conduct their work without worrying about the details of, say, how to calculate a reaction rate. On our server, we decided to install the C++, Fortran, and Python interfaces. Unfortunately, the MATLAB interface is broken when using the Intel compilers, due to problems with MATLAB itself. In fact, any MEX application compiled with the Intel compilers will not work, so this is not Cantera’s fault!

Despite the newly acquired ease of installation, we could not leave well enough alone and decided to complicate things by using C, C++, and Fortran compilers distributed by Intel, since our server has 24 Intel Xeon CPUs. Intel provides a number of options with their compilers that enable Intel-compiled applications to run significantly faster on Intel processors than applications compiled using other compilers (e.g. Gnu).

Note that in all the following steps, except where explicitly noted, I will assume that you have sudo or root access. This is because some of the dependencies will be installed in the /usr/local/ folder, which requires root permissions to write to. If you do not have root access, you will have to modify many of the below instructions, and I have tried to note in a few places where the commands must be changed.

Install Intel Compilers

First we have to install some dependences for the Intel compilers. See here for more instructions.

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-multilib rpm openjdk-6-jre-headless

The next step is to install the Intel compilers themselves. My lab has a license to the Intel Fortran and C/C++ compiler suites, which also include Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL). The MKL contains the LAPACK and BLAS implementations required by the solvers in Cantera (and other software as well). If you are using the compilers for “non- commercial software development”, you can also download a copy of the Fortran and C/C++ compiler suites from here. Included in the scripts are fairly standard installers - mostly you can go through them by the “Next->Next->Next” method. If you get a warning that 32-bit dependencies are not installed, go back to the step that lists all of the packages to be installed and choose “Customize Installation” at the bottom-center of the window. Then, deselect “32-bit support” since we will not be compiling any 32-bit applications.

Once the Intel compilers are installed, it is very important to add them to your PATH environment variable. Intel helpfully provides a script to set all of the relevant variables at once. You can source this script from your login script to allow easy access to the compilers. On our server, this meant adding source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64 to the ~/.profile file. On a desktop install, the better place to add this is in the ~/.bashrc file

Install Dependencies

Next, install (some) of the dependencies for Cantera and its dependencies. The server on which we intended to install Cantera has a “well-loved” Ubuntu install, as in, many packages were already installed. We were using the 4.4 versions of the GNU compilers but the default version of GCC for Ubuntu 12.04 is 4.6. Despite that we will be using the Intel compilers for most of the stuff here, in some cases the Intel compilers are little more than a wrapper around the GNU compilers. To easily switch the entire system between compiler versions, use the built-in program update-alternatives.

The following commands were tested on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04.3 with GCC 4.6, with only package updates and the Intel compilers installed (as shown above), so it should get anyone up and running.

A list of Cantera’s dependencies can be found at the documentation site. The following dependencies from apt-get are required. This does not cover all of the dependencies in the documentation, but we will be installing some others separately.

sudo apt-get install scons subversion python python-dev python3 python3-dev \
libsuitesparse-dev libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 wget git git-svn swig

Not all of these dependencies are dependencies of Cantera itself; some of them are dependencies of the dependencies.

With the apt-get installs out of the way, its time to move on to the Python dependencies. First up is pip, which makes installing the other dependencies much easier. One note - if you do not have admin access (i.e. sudo rights) on the particular machine you’re using, be sure to specify the --user option to all of the following easy_install commands (and you’ll have to have gotten a sysadmin to do the previous steps). The --user option will install the packages in the directory /home/username/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages, which is editable by the user and thus doesn’t require super-user rights.

wget \
-O - | sudo python3.2
sudo easy_install-3.2 pip
wget \
-O - | sudo python2.7
sudo easy_install pip

It is important to install for Python 3 first, because otherwise the executables of easy_install and pip for Python 3 will overwrite those for Python 2, and forevermore you’ll get unexpected behavior. Then, with pip installed, we can do

sudo pip install cython 3to2 nose ipython
sudo pip3.2 install cython 3to2-py3k nose ipython
#The following is only required if you want to build the Cantera documentation
sudo pip install Sphinx pygments pyparsing sphinxcontrib-doxylink

Install NumPy/SciPy

A quick perusal of the list of dependencies shows that NumPy and SciPy are also required to use the Python interface. If you would like to compile these with the Intel compilers, see here. If using GCC is OK with you, then pip should be good enough.

sudo pip install numpy scipy
sudo pip3.2 install numpy scipy

Install Boost

Now we come to the fun stuff. Its time to install some dependencies - from source! First up is Boost. Ubuntu has a version of Boost in the repositories, but I found errors during the build and/or test process of Cantera when I used the pre-compiled Boost libraries. This was apparently due to the fact that they had been compiled with a different compiler. As of this writing, the newest version of Boost is 1.55.0, but the absolute newest versions can be found at the SourceForge download site:

When you have downloaded the appropriate .tar.gz file, unzip it with the command

tar -xzf boost_X_YY_Z.tar.gz

Then change to the appropriate directory (most likely boost_X_YY_Z), and run the following commands

sudo -s
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
./ --with-toolset=intel-linux
./b2 -a -q --link=shared --variant=release --address-model=64 \
    --compileflags="-xhost -fp-model precise -O3" -j2 \
    --threading=multi install

Let’s look at these commands.

  1. Switch to the root terminal (if you don’t have sudo permissions, see below)
  2. Since the regular environment isn’t passed to the root user, we have to setup the Intel compilers again.
  3. Run the setup script to tell Boost which compiler we will use.
  4. Run the install program that has created. The options (as far as I know them) are:
    • -a: Rebuild all targets, even if they’re up-to-date
    • -q: Quit the build on the first error
    • --link=shared: Build shared libraries.
    • --variant=release: Build the release version. No idea if its required.
    • --address-model=64: Build 64 bit binaries. No idea if its required.
    • --compileflags="...": Flags sent to the C and C++ compilers. These options are
      • -xhost: Add additional Intel specific optimizations
      • -fp-model precise: Use the precise floating point model
      • -O3: The optimization level to be used by the compiler
    • -j2: Specify the number of compile processes to run in parallel.
    • install: Install the libraries and headers
  5. Exit root

If you don’t have sudo privileges, you can use the option --prefix=/path/to/install. Make sure that you have permissions to write to /path/to/install. The --prefix option should be specified to b2 I think - not sure about that, proceed at your own risk. If resources are tight, you can add --with-python --with-regex --with-system --with-thread to install only the minimal set of libraries that Cantera requires. Note also that these directions are somewhat different than the ones provided at the official documentation so proceed at your own risk.

Install Sundials

The next step is to install Sundials. Sundials is a suite of solvers and are used in Cantera to enable sensitivity analysis. Technically, its optional, but we’re going for all the bells and whistles, so let’s go for it. Download Sundials (as of this writing, the most recent version is 2.5.0) from here: Similar to the Boost section, we untar the tarball

tar -xzf sundials-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

Then change to the appropriate directory and run the following commands

mkdir build && cd build
../configure CXX=icpc CC=icc F77=ifort --with-blas="mkl_rt" \
    --with-lapack="mkl_rt" \
    --with-libs="-L$MKLROOT/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core \
    -lmkl_intel_thread -lpthread -liomp5 -lm" \
    --with-cflags="-xhost -O3 -m64 -I$MKLROOT/include -fPIC -fp-model precise" \
    --with-cppflags="-xhost -O3 -m64 -I$MKLROOT/include -fPIC -fp-model precise" \
    --with-fflags="-xhost -O3 -m64 -I$MKLROOT/include -fPIC -fp-model precise" \
sudo -s
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
make install

Let’s take a look at these commands now too.

  1. Create a build directory and change into it
  2. Give Sundials all the options we’re going to use
    • ../configure: The configure script in the directory one up that creates a Makefile
    • CXX=icpc: Which C++ compiler to use (icpc is the name of the Intel C++ compiler)
    • CC=icc: Which C compiler to use (icc is the name of the Intel C compiler)
    • F77=ifort: Which Fortran compiler to use (ifort is the name of the Intel Fortran compiler)
    • --with-blas="mkl_rt": This tells Sundials to use BLAS from the Intel MKL
    • --with-lapack="mkl_rt": This tells Sundials to use LAPACK from the Intel MKL
    • --with-libs="...": This line tells Sundials where it can find all of the fancy Intel MKL stuff. The mkl_intel_thread and iomp5 entries are particularly important, as these enable multi-threaded solving for the Cantera 1-D solvers. Update: Further testing has shown that including these libraries in SUNDIALS is not important for the 1-D solver in Cantera. I think these libraries are only required if the Intel MKL will be used in a program that uses OpenMP threading.
    • --with-cflags="...", --with-cppflags="...", and --with-fflags="...": These are compiler flags for Sundials.
      • -xhost: Intel specific optimizations for Intel processors
      • -O3: Optimization level
      • -m64: Build for 64 bits
      • -I$MKLROOT/include: MKLROOT is an environment variable defined by the Intel script. This flag tells the compiler where it can find the include files the library needs.
      • -fPIC: Generate position independent code, meaning the compiled file does not depend on being in a particular location in the filesystem. meaning the library does not depend on being in a particular location in memory when it is compiled into a separate program.
      • -fp-model precise: Use the precise floating point model
    • --enable-shared: Build the shared libraries in addition to the static libraries.
  3. Run make to compile and link all the files
  4. Switch to root to install the libraries
  5. Source the Intel variables as root
  6. Install everything with make install
  7. Exit root

Install Cantera

Now we have finally finished installing the dependencies, and we can actually install Cantera itself. You can either download the tarball of the most recent stable source from here: and unzip it by

tar -xzf cantera-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

Alternatively, you can download the source code by Subversion or git-svn

svn checkout cantera
#                                                                   ^The space here is
#                                                                    important


git svn clone --stdlayout cantera
#                                                                   ^The space here is
#                                                                    important
cd cantera
git checkout 2.1

Either of these options will give you the most recent stable build of Cantera. If you want to live on the bleeding edge, you can download the developer version of Cantera by either

svn checkout cantera
#                                                           ^The space here is
#                                                            important


git svn clone --stdlayout cantera
#                                                                   ^The space here is
#                                                                    important

and don’t give the git checkout 2.1 line. After that, change into the directory where Cantera was downloaded or unzipped.

Now we need to configure the installation of Cantera. This configuration file will install the Cantera files in a different directory per user. The reason for this is that we wanted to allow each user of the server to have their own independent install of Cantera, rather than a global single version. Create a file called cantera.conf and copy the following into it

CXX = 'icpc'
CC = 'icc'
prefix = '/home/_username_/.local'
python_package = 'new'
python_prefix = 'USER'
python3_prefix = 'USER'
python_compiler = 'icpc'
f90_interface = 'y'
F90 = 'ifort'
F90FLAGS = '-O3 -xhost'
use_sundials = 'y'
sundials_include = '/usr/local/include'
sundials_libdir = '/usr/local/lib'
blas_lapack_libs = 'mkl_rt'
blas_lapack_dir = '/opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/lib/intel64/'
env_vars = 'all'
cc_flags = '-Wall -Wno-deprecated -xhost -fp-model precise'
debug_linker_flags = '-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread -lpthread -liomp5'
build_thread_safe = True
boost_inc_dir = '/usr/local/include'
boost_lib_dir = '/usr/local/lib'
boost_thread_lib = 'boost_system'
F77 = 'ifort'
F77FLAGS = '-O3 -xhost'
rpfont = 'helvetica'

_username_ should be the username where Cantera should be installed. To see an explanation of these options, type scons install help. Note that you may have to change the directory of the Intel MKL. Briefly, they are:

  • CXX, CC, F90, and F77: The compilers to use for the C++, C, and Fortran files respectively
  • prefix: The directory in which Cantera should be installed. If using the Python interface, the ~/.local directory is on Python’s path by default, so it is a good choice if a per-user install is desired
  • python_prefix,python3_prefix: The directories where the Python module should be installed. Specifying 'USER' tells the installer to put the module in the default user directory, which is ~/.local by default. This overrides any value of the prefix, so if you want the Python module installed in the prefix directory, delete these lines
  • python_compiler: The compiler to use when compiling the Python module. Should be the same as CXX.
  • f90_interface: Compile the Fortran 90 interface
  • F90FLAGS and F77FLAGS: Flags to send to the Fortran compiler when compiling the Fortran 90 and Fortran 77 interfaces, respectively
  • use_sundials: Specify whether or not to use SUNDIALS
  • sundials_include,sundials_libdir: The directories where Cantera can find the header files and the Sundials libraries, respectively. Should be set to the directory where Sundials was installed
  • blas_lapack_libs, blas_lapack_dir: The libraries and directory for BLAS and LAPACK. To use the Intel MKL, mkl_rt should be specified for the libs, and the full absolute path to the directory where the libraries are stored needs to be given. Note that in this configuration, shell variables such as $MKLHOME cannot be used because they won’t be expanded properly (at least, I got an error when I tried that)
  • env_vars: The environment variables that should be passed in from the shell. This should be set to all so that the installer can find the Intel compilers
  • cc_flags: The C and C++ compiler flags
  • debug_linker_flags: All the libraries Cantera should link to
  • build_thread_safe: Allow Cantera to be used in multi-threaded applications
  • boost_inc_dir, boost_lib_dir: Similar to Sundials, the include and libraries directories where Boost was installed
  • boost_thread_lib: Libraries to include when building the Boost threaded components
  • rpfont: The font to use when printing reaction paths.

After cantera.conf is set, its time to build and install Cantera. The following commands will build, test, and install Cantera:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
scons build -j2
scons test
scons install

As before, the -jn option specifies the number of build tasks to perform in parallel. Set n less than or equal to the number of processors you wish to use to perform the build. Higher n makes the build go much faster as long as you don’t exceed the number of processors on your computer. After that, change out of the Cantera directory, and in Python 2 & 3 shells, type

>>> import cantera

If no errors pop out, you’ve done it! Congratulations! Now just make some small additions to your ~/.bashrc file (at the bottom of the file) so that Cantera is ready to go on each login:

source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
export PATH=/home/username/.local/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/_username_/.local/lib:/usr/local/lib:usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export MANPATH=/home/username/.local/man:$MANPATH