How to build Sundials on Windows 7

Published Thu 21 August 2014 in personal

by Bryan Weber

SUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers. It is useful for many problems, and is needed to perform sensitivity analysis in Cantera. It can be a pain to install on Windows, so here is my procedure for installing on Windows 7 x64.

First, download the Windows SDK 7.1 and the SP1 compiler update. Installation should be a “Next->Next” affair, but if the install fails, The Mathworks recommends the following steps:

  1. Uninstall any Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable packages
  2. Install the SDK again, but uncheck the options for the compiler and the Visual C++ Redistributable
  3. Install the compiler update, which will install the compilers
  4. Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable from this link

If you would like to have Visual Studio installed in addition to the SDK, the instructions here give the proper order to install everything.

Next, download and install CMake from To properly install SUNDIALS, CMake is required. Then, download SUNDIALS from You will need 7zip to extract the tarball on Windows, which can be found here:

Extract the tarball to the root of the C:\ drive, so you have a folder C:\sundials-2.5.0. Create new folders called C:\sundials-2.5.0-build and C:\sundials-2.5.0-install. In the C:\sundials-2.5.0 folder is a file called CMakeLists.txt. Open that file, and change SET(PACKAGE_STRING "SUNDIALS 2.4.0") to SET(PACKAGE_STRING "SUNDIALS 2.5.0"). Do the same for the line SET(PACKAGE_VERSION "2.4.0") to SET(PACKAGE_VERSION "2.5.0"). Open the Windows SDK 7.1 command line interface and build and install SUNDIALS:

cd C:\sundials-2.5.0-build
cmake ..\sundials-2.5.0 -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\sundials-2.5.0-install
nmake install

That should be it - SUNDIALS is now installed in the install directory. Happy solving!