Entering complicated n-ary Operators in Word Equation Editor 2010 or 2007

Published Thu 06 December 2012 in personal

by Bryan Weber

When adding integrals or sums to formulas in Word 2010 or 2007, the command \sum or \int will give the correct symbol, but it will not stretch to fit the argument. To avoid having to go to the toolbar and add the symbol directly, simply type \int\ofSpacefunctionSpace, where Space indicates a press on the spacebar, and where function indicates the function you wish to show. If you have a more complicated argument (for instance, one involving an operator such as plus or times), use the syntax \int\ofSpace\beginSpacefunction\endSpace+Space.

Alternatively, the much simpler method is \intSpace+Space will stretch the integral and put the cursor into the box for the integrand.




