Source code for cansen.utils

# Standard libraries
import sys
import os
from itertools import product
from math import pi
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

# Third-party modules
from cantera import ck2cti

# Local imports
from .printer import divider
from .exceptions import (KeywordError,

[docs]class MyParser(ArgumentParser): """Parser that redefines the error printing"""
[docs] def error(self, message): sys.stderr.write('\ncansen: error: %s\n\n' % message) self.print_help() sys.exit(2)
[docs]def convert_mech(mech_filename, thermo_filename=None): """Convert a mechanism and return a string with the filename. Convert a CHEMKIN format mechanism to the Cantera CTI format using the Cantera built-in script `ck2cti`. :param mech_filename: Filename of the input CHEMKIN format mechanism. The converted CTI file will have the same name, but with `.cti` extension. :param thermo_filename: Filename of the thermodynamic database. Optional if the thermodynamic database is present in the mechanism input. """ arg = ['--input='+mech_filename] if thermo_filename is not None: arg.append('--thermo='+thermo_filename) # Convert the mechanism ck2cti.main(arg) mech_filename = mech_filename[:-4]+'.cti' print('Mechanism conversion successful, written to ' '{}'.format(mech_filename)) return mech_filename
[docs]def process_multi_input(input_filename): """Process a formatted input file into multiple cases. Processes a formatted input file that contains multiple cases into separate temporary files, for individual reading of keywords. :param input_filename: Filename of the SENKIN input file. :return filenames: List of temporary filenames. """ filenames = [] temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) with open(input_filename) as input_file: for line in input_file: if (line.startswith('!') or line.startswith('.') or line.startswith('/') or line.strip() == ''): # skip comment or blank lines continue elif line.upper().startswith('END'): temp_file.write(line) # store temporary file and create new filenames.append( temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) continue else: # just print line temp_file.write(line) # check if last file actually written to; if not, close if os.stat( == 0: temp_file.close() return filenames
[docs]def remove_files(files): """Delete files. :param files: List of names of files to be removed """ for f in files: os.remove(f) return None
[docs]def read_input_file(input_filename): """Read a formatted input file and return a dictionary of keywords. :param input_filename: Filename of the SENKIN input file. """ # Initialize the dictionaries and lists that will be filled by # the parsing. keywords = {} reactants = [] oxidizer = {} fuel = {} complete_products = [] additional_species = {} # problem_type is a boolean indicating whether a problem selection # has been made. problem_type = False # unsupported_keys is a list of keywords that are not supported # yet. unsupported_keys = [ 'ADAP', 'AEXT', 'AFRA', 'AGGA', 'AGGB', 'AGGD', 'AGGE', 'AGGFD', 'AGGMN', 'AINT', 'AREA', 'AREAQ', 'AROP', 'ASEN', 'ASTEPS', 'AVALUE', 'AVAR', 'BETA', 'BLKEQ', 'BULK', 'CLSC', 'CNTN', 'CNTT', 'COLR', 'DIST', 'ENRG', 'EPSG', 'EPSR', 'CLSM', 'EPSS', 'EPST', 'ETCH', 'GFAC', 'GMHTC', 'HTC', 'HTRN', 'IPSR', 'IRET', 'ISTP', 'KLIM', 'MAXIT', 'MCUT', 'MMASS', 'NADAP', 'NEWRUN', 'NMOM', 'NNEG', 'NOCG', 'NSOL', 'PNDE', 'PPRO', 'PRNT', 'PROE', 'PVFE', 'QFUN', 'QLOS', 'QPRO', 'QRGEQ', 'QRSEQ', 'RELAXC', 'ROP', 'RSTR', 'SCLM', 'SCLS', 'SCOR', 'SENG', 'SENT', 'SFAC', 'SIZE', 'SOLUTION_TECHNIQUE', 'SSTT', 'SURF', 'TAMB', 'TGIV', 'TIFP', 'TRAN', 'TRES', 'TRST', 'TSRF', 'TSTR', 'UIGN', 'USET', 'WENG', 'XMLI' ] with open(input_filename) as input_file: print(divider) print('Keyword Input:\n') for line in input_file: # Echo the input back to the output file. print(' '*10, line, end='') if (line.startswith('!') or line.startswith('.') or line.startswith('/') or line.strip() == ""): continue elif line.upper().startswith('CONV'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 1 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('CONP'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 2 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('VPRO'): if not problem_type: keywords['problemType'] = 3 vproTime = [float(line.split()[1])] vproVol = [float(line.split()[2])] problem_type = True elif problem_type and keywords.get('problemType') != 3: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) elif problem_type and keywords.get('problemType') == 3: vproTime.append(float(line.split()[1])) vproVol.append(float(line.split()[2])) elif line.upper().startswith('CONT'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 4 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('COTV'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 5 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('VTIM'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 6 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('TTIM'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 7 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('TPRO'): if not problem_type: keywords['problemType'] = 8 TproTime = [float(line.split()[1])] TproTemp = [float(line.split()[2])] problem_type = True elif problem_type and keywords.get('problemType') != 8: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) elif problem_type and keywords.get('problemType') == 8: TproTime.append(float(line.split()[1])) TproTemp.append(float(line.split()[2])) elif line.upper().startswith('ICEN'): if problem_type: raise MultipleProblemError(line, keywords['problemType']) else: keywords['problemType'] = 9 problem_type = True elif line.upper().startswith('TEMP'): keywords['temperature'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('REAC'): species = line.split()[1] molefrac = line.split()[2] reactants.append(':'.join([species, molefrac])) elif line.upper().startswith('PRES'): keywords['pressure'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('TIME'): keywords['endTime'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('TLIM'): keywords['tempLimit'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('DTIGN'): keywords['tempThresh'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('ATOL'): keywords['abstol'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('RTOL'): keywords['reltol'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('DELT'): keywords['prntTimeInt'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('DTSV'): keywords['saveTimeInt'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('STPT'): keywords['maxTimeStep'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('EQUI'): keywords['eqRatio'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('OXID'): species = line.split()[1] molefrac = float(line.split()[2]) oxidizer[species] = molefrac elif line.upper().startswith('FUEL'): species = line.split()[1] molefrac = float(line.split()[2]) fuel[species] = molefrac elif line.upper().startswith('CPROD'): species = line.split()[1] complete_products.append(species) elif line.upper().startswith('ADD'): species = line.split()[1] molefrac = float(line.split()[2]) additional_species[species] = molefrac elif line.upper().startswith('SENS'): keywords['sensitivity'] = True elif line.upper().startswith('VOL '): # The default units of volume in SENKIN are cm**3, but # the default in Cantera is m**3 so we have to convert. keywords['reactorVolume'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E6 elif line.upper().startswith('RTLS'): keywords['sensRelTol'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('ATLS'): keywords['sensAbsTol'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('IGNBREAK'): keywords['break_on_ignition'] = True elif line.upper().startswith('CMPR'): keywords['comp_ratio'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('DEG0'): keywords['start_crank_angle'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('VOLD'): keywords['swept_volume'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E6 elif line.upper().startswith('VOLC'): keywords['clear_volume'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E6 elif line.upper().startswith('LOLR'): keywords['rod_radius_ratio'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('RPM'): keywords['rev_per_min'] = float(line.split()[1]) elif line.upper().startswith('BORE'): keywords['cyl_bore'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E2 elif line.upper().startswith('STROKE'): keywords['stroke_length'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E2 elif line.upper().startswith('RODL'): keywords['connect_rod_len'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E2 elif line.upper().startswith('CRAD'): keywords['crank_radius'] = float(line.split()[1])/1.0E2 elif line.upper()[0:3] in unsupported_keys: raise UnsupportedKeyword(line) continue elif line.upper().startswith('END'): continue else: raise UndefinedKeywordError(line) print('\n', divider, '\n', sep='') # The endTime, temperature, pressure, and problemType are required # input. Exit if any of them are not found. if 'endTime' not in keywords: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('TIME') if 'temperature' not in keywords: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('TEMP') if 'pressure' not in keywords: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('PRES') if 'problemType' not in keywords: raise MissingReqdKeywordError( 'CONP', 'CONV', 'VPRO', 'CONT', 'ICEN', 'TPRO', 'COTV', 'TTIM', 'VTIM', ) elif keywords.get('problemType') == 3: keywords['vproTime'] = vproTime keywords['vproVol'] = vproVol elif keywords.get('problemType') == 8: keywords['TproTime'] = TproTime keywords['TproTemp'] = TproTemp elif keywords.get('problemType') == 9: # Variables needed to calculate piston velocity and other # quantities for the IC Engine model: Stroke length, rod # length to crank radius ratio, rpm, starting angle, initial # volume if 'rev_per_min' not in keywords: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('RPM') # Handle the various ways to calculate the stroke length if 'stroke_length' in keywords: print("Info: 'STROKE' was specified, and will be used for the " "stroke length regardless of other parameters.") elif all(key in keywords for key in ('swept_volume', 'cyl_bore')): print("Info: Using swept volume and cylinder bore to " "calculate stroke length.") keywords['stroke_length'] = (keywords['swept_volume']*4 / (pi*keywords['cyl_bore']**2)) elif all(key in keywords for key in ('comp_ratio', 'clear_volume', 'cyl_bore')): print("Info: Using compression ratio, clearance volume, and " "cylinder bore to calculate stroke length.") keywords['swept_volume'] = (keywords['clear_volume'] * (keywords['comp_ratio'] - 1)) keywords['stroke_length'] = (keywords['swept_volume']*4 / (pi*keywords['cyl_bore']**2)) elif 'crank_radius' in keywords: print("Info: Using crank radius to compute the stroke length.") keywords['stroke_length'] = 2*keywords['crank_radius'] else: raise MissingReqdKeywordError( 'STROKE', 'VOLD', 'BORE', 'CMPR', 'VOLC', 'CRAD', ) # Handle the various ways to calculate the initial volume if 'reactorVolume' in keywords: print("Info: The inital reactor volume was specified by the VOL " "keyword and this value will be used regardless of other " "settings.") elif all(key in keywords for key in ('swept_volume', 'clear_volume', 'comp_ratio')): raise KeywordError("Only two of 'VOLD', 'VOLC', and 'CMPR' may be " "specified.") elif all(key in keywords for key in ('swept_volume', 'clear_volume')): print("Info: Computing initial reactor volume from the swept " "volume and the clearance volume.") keywords['reactorVolume'] = (keywords['swept_volume'] + keywords['clear_volume']) elif all(key in keywords for key in ('comp_ratio', 'clear_volume')): print("Info: Computing initial reactor volume from the " "compression ratio and clearance volume.") keywords['reactorVolume'] = (keywords['comp_ratio'] * keywords['clear_volume']) elif all(key in keywords for key in ('comp_ratio', 'swept_volume')): print("Info: Computing initial reactor volume from the " "compression ratio and swept volume.") keywords['reactorVolume'] = (keywords['swept_volume'] * (1 + 1/(keywords['comp_ratio'] - 1))) elif all(key in keywords for key in ('clear_volume', 'cyl_bore')): print("Info: Computing initial reactor volume from the cylinder " "bore, stroke length, and clearance volume.") keywords['reactorVolume'] = (pi/4*keywords['cyl_bore']**2 * keywords['stroke_length'] + keywords['clear_volume']) else: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('VOLD', 'VOLC', 'CMPR', 'BORE', 'VOL') # Handle the ways to calculate the rod length to radius ratio if 'rod_radius_ratio' in keywords: print("Info: The connecting rod length to crank radius ratio was " "specified by the 'LOLR' keyword and this value will be " "used regardless of other settings.") elif all(key in keywords for key in ('connect_rod_len', 'crank_radius')): print("Info: Using given connecting rod length and crank radius " "to compute the ratio.") keywords['rod_radius_ratio'] = (keywords['connect_rod_len'] / keywords['crank_radius']) else: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('LOLR', 'CRAD', 'RODL') # Set the default reactor volume, if it is not specified if 'reactorVolume' not in keywords: keywords['reactorVolume'] = 1.0E-6 raise MissingKeyword('No reactor volume specified, assuming ' '1.0 cm**3.') # The reactants can be specified by REAC or EQUI + FUEL + OXID + # CPROD. One or the other of these must be present; if neither or # both are present, exit. if (reactants and (oxidizer or fuel or complete_products or additional_species or ('eqRatio' in keywords))): raise KeywordError('REAC and EQUI cannot both be specified.') elif ('eqRatio' in keywords and not (oxidizer and fuel and complete_products)): raise KeywordError('If EQUI is specified, all of FUEL, OXID and ' 'CPROD must be as well.') elif reactants: keywords['reactants'] = reactants elif 'eqRatio' in keywords: keywords['oxidizer'] = oxidizer keywords['fuel'] = fuel keywords['completeProducts'] = complete_products keywords['additionalSpecies'] = additional_species else: raise MissingReqdKeywordError('REAC', 'EQUI') # Set the default temperature threshold to determine ignition # delay. if 'tempThresh' not in keywords: keywords['tempThresh'] = 400 return keywords
[docs]def cli_parser(argv): """Parse command line interface input. :param argv: List of command line options. """ parser = MyParser( prog='cansen', description='CanSen - the SENKIN-like wrapper for Cantera written in Python.' ) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='Show the version of CanSen and quit') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, help='The simulation input file in SENKIN format.') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default='output.out', help='The text output file.') parser.add_argument('-x', '--save', type=str, default='save.hdf', help='The binary save output file.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--chem', type=str, default='chem.xml', help='The chemistry input file, in either CHEMKIN,' ' Cantera CTI or CTML format.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--thermo', type=str, help='The thermodynamic database. Optional if the' ' thermodynamic database is specified in the' ' chemistry input file. Otherwise, required.') parser.add_argument('--convert', action='store_true', help='Convert the input mechanism to CTI format ' 'and quit. If ``--convert`` is specified, ' 'the SENKIN input file is optional.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--multi', type=int, nargs='?', const=cpu_count(), default=False, help='Run multiple cases from the input file. ' 'Optional. If ``-m`` is used, must specify ' 'number of processors to be used (e.g., ' '``-m 4``). If ``--multi`` is specified, ' 'CanSen uses the available number of ' 'processors by default.') if len(argv) == 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args(argv) filenames = {} if args.version: from ._version import __version__ print('CanSen {version} from {path} ()'.format( version=__version__, path=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) sys.exit(0) if args.input: input_filename = args.input if not os.path.isfile(input_filename): print('Error: The specified input file ' '"{}" does not exist'.format(input_filename) ) sys.exit(1) filenames['input_filename'] = input_filename elif not args.input and not args.convert: print('Error: The input file must be specified') sys.exit(1) else: filenames['input_filename'] = None filenames['output_filename'] = args.output filenames['save_filename'] = if not os.path.isfile(args.chem): print('Error: The specified chemistry file ' '"{}" does not exist'.format(args.chem) ) sys.exit(1) filenames['mech_filename'] = args.chem if args.thermo: if not os.path.isfile(args.thermo): print('Error: The specified thermodynamic database ' '"{}" does not exist'.format(args.thermo)) sys.exit(1) filenames['thermo_filename'] = args.thermo convert = args.convert num_proc = None multi = False if args.multi: multi = True num_proc = args.multi return filenames, convert, multi, num_proc
[docs]def reactor_interpolate(interp_time, state1, state2): """Linearly interpolate the reactor states to the given input time. :param interp_time: Time at which the interpolated values should be calculated :param state1: Array of the state information at the previous time step. :param state2: Array of the state information at the current time step. """ interp_state = state1 + ((state2 - state1)*(interp_time - state1[0]) / (state2[0] - state1[0])) return interp_state
[docs]def equivalence_ratio(gas, eq_ratio, fuel, oxidizer, complete_products, additional_species): """Calculate the mixture mole fractions from the equivalence ratio. Given the equivalence ratio, fuel mixture, oxidizer mixture, the products of complete combustion, and any additional species for the mixture, return a string containing the mole fractions of the species, suitable for setting the state of the input :py:class:`~cantera.ThermoPhase`. :param gas: Cantera :py:class:`~cantera.ThermoPhase` object containing the desired species. :param eq_ratio: Equivalence ratio :param fuel: Dictionary of molecules in the fuel mixture and the fraction of each molecule in the fuel mixture :param oxidizer: Dictionary of molecules in the oxidizer mixture and the fraction of each molecule in the oxidizer mixture. :param complete_products: List of species in the products of complete combustion. :param additional_species: Dictionary of molecules that will be added to the mixture. The mole fractions given in this dictionary are as a fraction of the total mixture. """ reactants = '' cprod_elems = {} fuel_elems = {} oxid_elems = {} # Check sum of fuel and oxidizer values; normalize if greater than 1 fuel_sum = sum(fuel.values()) if fuel_sum > 1.0: for sp, x in fuel.items(): fuel[sp] = x/fuel_sum oxid_sum = sum(oxidizer.values()) if oxid_sum > 1.0: for sp, x in oxidizer.items(): oxidizer[sp] = x/oxid_sum # Check oxidation state of complete products for sp, el in product(complete_products, gas.element_names): if el.upper() not in cprod_elems: cprod_elems[el.upper()] = {} cprod_elems[el.upper()][sp] = int(gas.n_atoms(sp, el)) num_C_cprod = sum(cprod_elems.get('C', {0: 0}).values()) num_H_cprod = sum(cprod_elems.get('H', {0: 0}).values()) num_O_cprod = sum(cprod_elems.get('O', {0: 0}).values()) oxid_state = 4*num_C_cprod + num_H_cprod - 2*num_O_cprod if oxid_state != 0: print("Warning: One or more products of incomplete combustion " "were specified.") # Find the number of H, C, and O atoms in the fuel molecules. for sp, el in product(fuel.keys(), gas.element_names): if el not in fuel_elems: fuel_elems[el.upper()] = 0 fuel_elems[el.upper()] += gas.n_atoms(sp, el) * fuel[sp] num_C_fuel = fuel_elems.get('C', 0) num_H_fuel = fuel_elems.get('H', 0) num_O_fuel = fuel_elems.get('O', 0) # Find the number of H, C, and O atoms in the oxidizer molecules. for sp, el in product(oxidizer.keys(), gas.element_names): if el not in oxid_elems: oxid_elems[el.upper()] = 0 oxid_elems[el.upper()] += gas.n_atoms(sp, el) * oxidizer[sp] num_O_oxid = oxid_elems.get('O', 0) # Check that all of the elements specified in the fuel and oxidizer # are present in the complete products and vice versa. for el in cprod_elems.keys(): if ((sum(cprod_elems[el].values()) > 0 and fuel_elems[el] == 0 and oxid_elems[el] == 0) or (sum(cprod_elems[el].values()) == 0 and (fuel_elems[el] > 0 or oxid_elems[el] > 0))): print('Error: Must specify all elements in the fuel + oxidizer ' 'in the complete products and vice-versa') sys.exit(1) # Compute the amount of oxidizer required to consume all the # carbon and hydrogen in the complete products if num_C_cprod > 0: spec = cprod_elems['C'].keys() ox = sum([cprod_elems['O'][sp] for sp in spec if cprod_elems['C'][sp] > 0]) C_multiplier = ox/num_C_cprod else: C_multiplier = 0 if num_H_cprod > 0: spec = cprod_elems['H'].keys() ox = sum([cprod_elems['O'][sp] for sp in spec if cprod_elems['H'][sp] > 0]) H_multiplier = ox/num_H_cprod else: H_multiplier = 0 # Compute how many O atoms are required to oxidize everybody num_O_req = (num_C_fuel * C_multiplier + num_H_fuel * H_multiplier - num_O_fuel) O_mult = num_O_req/num_O_oxid # Find the total number of moles in the fuel + oxidizer mixture total_oxid_moles = sum([O_mult * amt for amt in oxidizer.values()]) total_fuel_moles = sum([eq_ratio * amt for amt in fuel.values()]) total_reactant_moles = total_oxid_moles + total_fuel_moles # Handle the case where additional species are specified separately if additional_species: total_additional_species = sum(additional_species.values()) if total_additional_species >= 1.0: print('Error: Additional species must sum to less than 1') remain = 1.0 - total_additional_species for species, molefrac in additional_species.items(): add_spec = ':'.join([species, str(molefrac)]) reactants = ','.join([reactants, add_spec]) else: remain = 1.0 # Compute the mole fractions of the fuel and oxidizer components # given that a certain portion of the mixture will have been taken # up by the additional species, if any. for species, ox_amt in oxidizer.items(): molefrac = ox_amt * O_mult/total_reactant_moles * remain add_spec = ':'.join([species, str(molefrac)]) reactants = ','.join([reactants, add_spec]) for species, fuel_amt in fuel.items(): molefrac = fuel_amt*eq_ratio/total_reactant_moles*remain add_spec = ':'.join([species, str(molefrac)]) reactants = ','.join([reactants, add_spec]) # Take off the first character, which is a comma reactants = reactants[1:] return reactants