CanSen Installation Guide

CanSen can be installed on any platform that supports Python and Cantera. This guide contains instructions for Windows and Ubuntu 12.04.

CanSen has several dependencies, including:


Python can be downloaded and installed from the page. Installation instructions for Cantera on Windows can be found on the Cantera documentation page. Make sure to download the correct version for your Python and 32- or 64-bit Windows, depending on which version your OS is. If NumPy is not already installed, download the proper version from the Windows Binaries page. From the same page, download the installer for PyTables and its dependency numexpr.

Then, download the most recent release of CanSen from GitHub.


The recommended installation procedure is to download the Wheel file (*.whl). The advantage of this is that the binaries of PyTables and numexpr will also come in Wheel format. If all the Wheel files are collected in the same directory, using pip to install all of them in one shot is simple:

pip install numexpr tables cansen --no-index -f . --no-deps

Source Distribution

Unzip the zip file, run

python install

and the package should be installed properly. Then use as normal.

Development Version

Alternatively, you can use Git to download the developer version. WARNING: The developer version of CanSen is not guaranteed to be working at any given commit. Proceed with caution.:

git clone git://

will download the repository into a folder called CanSen. Then follow the instructions for the source distribution.


These instructions are for Ubuntu 12.04, but should work with only slight changes for most major releases of Linux. Optionally, download Python 3 from the apt repositories. At the same time, it is good to download some other dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev libhdf5-serial-dev

Then, install distribute and pip:

wget \
-O - | sudo python3.2
sudo easy_install-3.2 pip


wget \
-O - | sudo python
sudo easy_install pip

Finally, with pip installed, install NumPy, Cython, numexpr, and finally, PyTables:

sudo pip-3.2 install numpy cython numexpr
sudo pip-3.2 install pytables


sudo pip install numpy cython numexpr
pip install pytables

Instructions for more complicated cases can be found on the PyTables documentation.

Compilation/installation instructions for Cantera can be found in the Cantera documentation.


The recommended installation procedure is to download the Wheel file (*.whl). Then, use pip to install CanSen:

pip install cansen --no-index -f . --no-deps

Source Distribution

Unzip the zip file, run

python install

and the package should be installed properly. Then use as normal.

Development Version

Alternatively, you can use Git to download the developer version. WARNING: The developer version of CanSen is not guaranteed to be working at any given commit. Proceed with caution.:

git clone git://

will download the repository into a folder called CanSen. Then follow the instructions for the source distribution.